1.   A trail of missed connections and mislaid luggage follows these travelers.

2.   Even a railway journey with a missed connection can have its moments.

3.   American, Continental and Delta have rules to avoid strandings caused by canceled flights or missed connections.

4.   After missed connections and seemingly endless days on airplanes, she looked tired as she spoke in a lobby outside the U.S. House of Representatives.

5.   But the lugubrious reflections on loss and missed connections are finally overwhelming.

6.   Fight delays or route diversions in response to a disruptive passenger can result in missed connections for other travelers.

7.   Flight delays and missed connections led the list, which also included complaints about passenger service and mishandled baggage, according to the Department of Transportation.

8.   For those left at the gate, it can mean missed appointments, missed connections or missed hours of precious vacation time.

9.   Generous short fiction about secrets, heartbreaks and missed romantic connections among Irish characters.

a. + connection >>共 900
high-speed 5.75%
political 4.81%
direct 3.93%
family 2.74%
personal 2.71%
possible 2.42%
strong 1.94%
close 1.62%
emotional 1.39%
wireless 1.34%
missed 0.50%
missed + n. >>共 226
opportunity 25.60%
shot 9.92%
chance 5.17%
deadline 3.59%
tackle 2.92%
game 2.34%
assignment 2.00%
putt 1.92%
connection 1.67%
practice 1.58%
每页显示:    共 20