1.   A given drug may shackle most of them, but it inevitably misses a few.

2.   But after missing a few in a row, the game automatically lowered the level of difficulty, at least for a while.

3.   He has missed a few.

4.   If I have them outside that range, I pretty much miss a few.

5.   I counted seven but I may have missed a few.

6.   Reader Steven H., a stockbroker, says I missed a few.

7.   They started focusing on his three-point shooting too much, and when he missed a few, they thought he had lost his game.

8.   He missed a few, but enough of his efforts found their mark.

9.   She missed a few at times.

10.   Then she started missing a few.

v. + few >>共 277
have 9.38%
name 3.29%
lose 2.80%
find 2.47%
include 2.30%
win 1.97%
make 1.97%
miss 1.81%
see 1.48%
sell 1.48%
miss + n. >>共 724
game 13.04%
cut 3.99%
chance 3.67%
point 3.52%
opportunity 3.06%
practice 2.37%
target 2.36%
shot 2.33%
playoff 2.17%
deadline 1.64%
few 0.08%
每页显示:    共 11