1.   The first minutes of it are the most severe.

2.   Mental-health experts say the first few minutes you are at home sets the tone for the whole evening.

3.   Seattle guard David Wingate, who was on the injured list until Sunday, saw his first minutes of the season.

4.   The pain is felt only for the first few minutes, assures Javier Ruiz Ocampo, a Taxco native and the official town historian.

n. + first >>共 30
season 25.76%
inning 20.20%
year 13.64%
day 7.58%
time 6.57%
month 3.03%
week 3.03%
minute 2.02%
birthday 1.52%
career 1.52%
minute + n. >>共 209
opening 7.34%
few 6.25%
more 5.16%
five 3.26%
three 2.72%
four 2.17%
penalty 2.17%
quality 2.17%
meeting 1.90%
water 1.09%
first 1.09%
每页显示:    共 4