1.   Among the revisions might be more pressure on individual sports governing boards to broaden their efforts in community sports and involve both women and minority athletes.

2.   A group of minority athletes, entertainers and entrepreneurs are trying to change that by matching up private investors with minorities who want to start businesses.

3.   A group of minority athletes, entertainers and entrepreneurs is trying to change that by matching private investors with minorities who want to start or expand businesses.

4.   But a group of minority athletes, entertainers and entrepreneurs is trying to change that by matching private investors with minorities who want to start or expand businesses.

5.   Issues peculiar to African-American and other minority athletes are not a priority.

6.   Minority athletes should not be admitted to top universities based on their entertainment value.

7.   Minority athletes thrive now as much on the volleyball, racquetball and tennis courts as they do on the basketball courts and football fields.

8.   Most of the allegations in the complaint target athletic programs and accuse coaches of favoring Anglo players and administering harsher disciplinary treatment to minority athletes.

9.   Of a far more disturbing nature, the city long had a reputation for being inhospitable toward minority athletes.

10.   Some think football and basketball need to receive full grants while other athletes are second-class citizens because they have more minority athletes from poorer socio-economic backgrounds.

n. + athlete >>共 182
college 12.08%
student 11.61%
woman 10.22%
track 5.81%
high-profile 3.48%
wheelchair 3.48%
endurance 2.32%
scholarship 2.21%
varsity 1.86%
minority 1.74%
minority + n. >>共 560
group 12.15%
stake 5.80%
student 5.05%
community 4.41%
shareholder 4.04%
party 3.45%
right 3.16%
interest 2.21%
population 2.18%
voter 2.12%
athlete 0.24%
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