1.   However they will understand the difficulties of using such an unpredictable material as wood, and make due allowance for minor defects.

2.   The report will not list minor defects.

3.   This stipulated that products had to be fit for their purpose and meet standards of appearance and finish being free from minor defects as well as safe and durable.

4.   The list covers fitness for purpose, state, condition, appearance, finish, minor defects, safety and durability.

5.   Even in pre-natal screening what used to be considered a minor defect like a harelip is now a reason for an abortion.

6.   Even minor visual defects should be corrected with lenses prescribed especially for the computer.

7.   Few homes are ever built without minor defects.

8.   He also had an elevated insulin concentration, suggesting a minor defect in sugar metabolism.

9.   Home builders say the bill is a defense against folks who call attorneys before giving a builder a chance to fix a minor defect.

10.   It also found four minor defects, with three to five expected.

a. + defect >>共 174
genetic 20.31%
structural 4.13%
serious 3.79%
physical 3.44%
congenital 3.44%
technical 2.58%
mechanical 2.58%
minor 2.58%
same 2.41%
manufacturing 2.07%
minor + n. >>共 627
injury 19.55%
damage 5.32%
leaguer 3.37%
change 1.90%
problem 1.87%
party 1.56%
cut 1.55%
surgery 1.53%
role 1.47%
offense 1.29%
defect 0.15%
每页显示:    共 15