1.   The defence ministers shall hold regular meetings.

2.   Across the area, ministers held Good Friday services to help their grieving members cope with their losses and to try to make sense of the tragedy.

3.   Even as the news spread that Mrs. Smith was to be charged with murder, ministers in Union held a prayer vigil.

4.   Even as the news spread that Mrs. Smith was to be charged with their murder, ministers in Union held a prayer vigil.

5.   Ministers hold a concurrent press conference and walk to Over the Rhine district, trying to keep the reaction controlled.

6.   On Thursday, the defense ministers held their first formal session of the new NATO-Russia Council, which included their Russian counterpart, Sergei Ivanov.

7.   The ministers are holding their mid-year meeting in Vienna this week.

8.   Their ministers cannot hold a church funeral without permission.

9.   OPEC finally reached its new deal Saturday night after four days of the most contentious talks the ministers have held in years.

10.   A top government minister held talks Sunday with the president of the Congress Party to avoid the collapse of the United Front ministry and another general election in India.

n. + hold >>共 1307
group 2.14%
official 2.13%
government 2.13%
leader 1.86%
company 1.78%
rebel 1.61%
country 1.53%
party 1.51%
court 1.38%
police 1.36%
minister 0.58%
minister + v. >>共 461
say 18.45%
be 9.76%
meet 3.87%
agree 3.68%
discuss 2.61%
have 1.75%
resign 1.60%
call 1.46%
tell 1.12%
hold 0.97%
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