1.   An elegant mill house adjoins the mill, as do several barns, all constructed of mellowed local stone.

2.   Externally, it is little altered, the mill house and mill now forming an elegant dwelling and farm.

3.   The adjacent mill house still survives.

4.   The Lower Mill was a stone building, as was the substantial mill house.

5.   The mill buildings house a museum of old implements and materials associated with corn production and milling.

6.   The mill is stone built and adjoins the mill house.

7.   She is selling the mill house.

8.   She and her boyfriend scraped the siding of the old mill house as they repaired it for a fresh coat of paint.

9.   The mill house, as he showed it, is light enough to dance in the air, almost.

n. + house >>共 849
auction 7.70%
guest 6.92%
brokerage 6.49%
country 2.83%
brick 2.44%
two-story 2.36%
fashion 2.35%
movie 2.23%
investment 2.23%
security 2.20%
mill 0.13%
mill + n. >>共 117
town 18.61%
worker 12.16%
owner 7.94%
pond 3.97%
building 3.72%
manager 2.48%
house 2.23%
complex 2.23%
shutdown 2.23%
employee 1.99%
每页显示:    共 9