1.   He is haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood.

2.   This is shown right from the beginning when Tithonus is being haunted by his memories.

3.   And many citizens, haunted by memories of Vietnam, ached at the thought of Americans coming home in body bags.

4.   As his flight took off for Southeast Asia, Vietnam veteran Craig Greenbaum was haunted by memories.

5.   After the murder, Jeanfreau was haunted by memories and soon quit driving city buses.

6.   Dillon is haunted by memories of high-school days, when he ruled the roost.

7.   He is also haunted by memories of a child wounded by the possessive, emotionally terrified and terrifying Louise.

8.   He is haunted by memories of children in Africa dying while waiting in line to see him.

9.   He said his wife continues to be haunted by memories of Prijedor and cries into the night, but he pushes the memories out of his mind.

10.   In a postwar America enamored of a new, disposable mass culture, his music, haunted by memory, must have seemed alien indeed.

n. + haunt >>共 245
memory 5.43%
ghost 4.78%
question 3.48%
past 2.83%
image 2.39%
fear 1.96%
nightmare 1.74%
problem 1.74%
experience 1.52%
crime 1.30%
memory + v. >>共 309
be 42.55%
come 3.36%
remain 2.83%
fade 2.83%
linger 2.18%
make 2.00%
serve 1.94%
haunt 1.47%
seem 1.24%
have 1.18%
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