1.   It is designed to measure potentially harmful radiation near Mars as a critical factor in planning any future exploration by humans.

2.   They have special technical equipment used to measure radiation and identify radiation sources, and can move to any location in the United States at extremely short notice.

3.   An instrument carried by the Mars Odyssey spacecraft to measure martian radiation began gathering science data seven months after it suddenly stopped communicating with flight controllers, NASA said.

4.   Another instrument measures radiation and how that might endanger humans if they ever explore Mars.

5.   Grachev said he invited Kosmo to travel together next summer to Novaya Zemlya to measure radiation.

6.   They also installed a device to measure space radiation and removed samples of cosmic dust and micrometeorites.

n. + radiation >>共 49
microwave 22.10%
background 19.34%
gamma 16.02%
space 4.42%
beta 3.87%
measure 3.31%
beam 1.66%
body 1.66%
heat 1.66%
energy 1.66%
measure + n. >>共 289
progress 5.03%
law 3.54%
performance 2.79%
call 2.23%
necessary 2.05%
time 2.05%
success 2.05%
change 1.86%
level 1.68%
distance 1.12%
radiation 1.12%
每页显示:    共 6