1.   If Rocky asks for a transfer that means no signing on fee with any transfer of course!

2.   No no no I mean since this.

3.   -- In Bulgaria, a nod means no and a shake of the head means yes.

4.   Except that someone forgot to explain that when a woman says no, she means no.

5.   He means the yes, he means the no and he means the maybe.

6.   It meant no.

7.   One knock means yes, two mean no.

8.   The virtually inescapable slogan is universally understood to mean no to any territorial compromise.

9.   Sometimes it actually means no, as in absolutely not.

v. + no >>共 129
say 77.83%
vote 5.77%
have 4.46%
answer 2.41%
tell 0.87%
reply 0.47%
need 0.40%
mean 0.36%
give 0.32%
decide 0.32%
mean + n. >>共 2049
lot 3.89%
end 3.39%
thing 1.87%
loss 1.72%
money 1.61%
trouble 1.47%
difference 1.45%
change 1.09%
profit 1.05%
return 0.88%
no 0.10%
每页显示:    共 9