1.   Sales promotions embrace a variety of techniques that organisations can use as part of their total marketing effort.

2.   Also, because of the relatively high switching costs, pioneers should have to spend less on advertising and other marketing efforts.

3.   Although a cluster could provide a focused marketing effort to attract more retirees, it probably also would concentrate on bringing more of the related services they need.

4.   American Century will respond to inquiries but does not intend to launch a major marketing effort promoting education IRAs, Advokat said.

5.   Although they tend to be a little pricier than their domestic counterparts, their popularity is on the rise as Chinese incomes and American marketing efforts continue to grow.

6.   Although wildly popular with Pops audiences, Williams tended to regard personality-driven marketing efforts as a force he could do without.

7.   Analysts also criticized the company for mediocre marketing efforts.

8.   Analysts say HP probably should have jumped on the home PC phenomenon earlier, but that the company can still recover with a good marketing effort.

9.   Analysts said that creating one large consumer banking division at Citicorp led to more coordination of marketing efforts and more stability than the bank had had in the past.

10.   And meat processors have expanded their marketing efforts to accommodate busy families in which both parents work.

a. + effort >>共 805
diplomatic 4.27%
international 3.51%
concerted 1.94%
joint 1.85%
new 1.71%
lobbying 1.34%
best 1.26%
marketing 1.21%
similar 1.18%
fund-raising 1.06%
marketing + n. >>共 846
campaign 5.15%
strategy 4.32%
effort 3.53%
tool 2.80%
director 2.79%
company 2.46%
plan 2.14%
executive 2.09%
program 1.81%
department 1.66%
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