1.   Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of GM.

2.   The stores will inevitably end up competing with each other in their push for increased market shares.

3.   The company has gained market share in the past year.

4.   And every single Westminster Press centre has increased its market share.

5.   Wimpol has an excellent reputation, quality resources in people and equipment an major market share of the important North Sea and Gulf of Mexico regions.

6.   We will gain further market share by promoting the unique Wimpol package of services to new market sectors and by working in new locations in those regions.

7.   A result of our own RandD, these have not only enabled us to increase margins but have also raised our market share in Europe and the USA.

8.   The refinery has effectively eliminated all its metal backlogs and is using improved service and faster lead times to win increased market shares.

9.   This combination of lower costs and increased market share makes the business well placed to benefit from any improvement in trading conditions.

10.   Metal seal lids for semiconductor packages and sputtering targets produced by our electronic materials business in Spokane, USA, have this year achieved increased market share.

n. + share >>共 588
market 35.45%
technology 8.43%
bank 7.19%
company 2.30%
computer 2.26%
oil 2.19%
semiconductor 1.51%
tobacco 1.23%
auto 1.16%
retail 1.15%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
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