1.   Aluminium Cans Huge savings of energy are made through recycling aluminium cans.

2.   But once a manager makes it through the early tough years, the job becomes much more lucrative.

3.   Changes made through selecting this option are recorded on the disk and will remain in effect until unchanged.

4.   Discreet inquiries about my Marital status were made through colleagues at the paper.

5.   I still try to ensure that in general he makes it through a book within a week or ten days.

6.   I was surprised she had made it through the night.

7.   If you made it through that initiation, you got to the flight line and actually began to learn to fly.

8.   It was intended that assessment was made through observation, practical work and discussion during normal lessons.

9.   Nuclear power Despite the major savings that can be made through relatively simple actions, the government largely ignores the possibilities.

10.   Rescue teams have finally made it through to the survivors.

v. + through >>共 930
continue 3.35%
work 2.78%
make 2.76%
cut 2.67%
spread 2.40%
push 1.57%
suffer 1.38%
last 1.12%
play 1.11%
sell 1.09%
make + p. >>共 99
in 33.43%
on 13.39%
from 12.47%
at 6.79%
through 4.23%
about 2.90%
during 2.79%
as 2.16%
against 2.15%
by 1.91%
每页显示:    共 987