1.   The reader will not find lurid accounts of a vast, secret conspiracy coiled and ready to strike again.

2.   Some reports have contained lurid accounts of deaths and mutilations.

3.   She turned to the next cutting in the hope of finding a less lurid account of the case.

4.   But such cases are the stuff of made-for-television movies and lurid accounts on local newscasts.

5.   Daily headlines here run to lurid accounts of kidnappings and torture, slain police, and a handful of convicted criminals awaiting execution.

6.   Newspapers relay lurid accounts of murders, kidnappings and businessmen blown up in their Mercedeses.

7.   When asked about pro-government tabloids that have printed lurid accounts about his challengers, Fujimori called it a sign of a vigorous free press.

8.   Facts were hard to come by and lurid accounts openly aimed to oust Iliescu and his friends.

a. + account >>共 1159
private 4.05%
conflicting 3.67%
new 3.11%
detailed 2.96%
personal 2.33%
different 2.08%
similar 1.61%
individual 1.57%
dormant 1.52%
swiss 1.52%
lurid 0.14%
lurid + n. >>共 164
detail 11.22%
tales 3.74%
story 3.40%
account 2.72%
headline 2.04%
allegation 2.04%
crime 2.04%
sex 2.04%
testimony 1.70%
film 1.36%
每页显示:    共 8