1.   And for the rest of the night, it was a love fest.

2.   And that is turning the annual meeting into something of a love fest.

3.   And that has turned the annual meeting into something of a love fest.

4.   And working with their programming staff was like a love fest.

5.   And, yes, in this communal love fest the dancers actually do sing.

6.   As Republicans come and Democrats go, Washington lobbyists are digging in for an old-fashioned love fest with a new kind of crowd.

7.   A former Soviet republic just north of Iran on the Caspian Sea, Turkmenistan marks the second Sunday in August with a national melon love fest.

8.   After a secondary offering last summer, the love fest started to cool.

9.   But the courteous quadrille for Evans was nothing compared to the love fest that awaits Secretary of State-designate Colin Powell next week.

10.   Carey seemed to be coasting while making little effort in the sold-out love fest.

n. + fest >>共 60
love 27.93%
film 7.21%
food 3.60%
music 2.70%
talk 2.70%
birdie 1.80%
gossip 1.80%
herb 1.80%
movie 1.80%
nostalgia 1.80%
love + n. >>共 210
story 24.52%
song 12.11%
letter 10.51%
scene 9.47%
interest 4.98%
triangle 4.55%
note 2.58%
game 2.21%
poem 2.09%
fest 1.91%
每页显示:    共 31