1.   In the van, they keep blankets, bandages, remedies for lice infestation and other medicine.Everything is donated.

2.   Lice infestations can prove fatal, eating into the fins and head of young fish.

3.   Though no data exists on how extensive lice infestation is, public health officials report increases in cases each year and more frustration from parents over traditional shampoo treatments.

4.   A common school policy for preventing head lice infestations is probably too restrictive, needlessly excluding many non-contagious children from class, government research suggests.

n. + infestation >>共 66
termite 8.80%
pest 8.00%
rat 7.20%
bug 6.40%
beetle 4.80%
cockroach 3.20%
louse 3.20%
locust 2.40%
worm 2.40%
flea 2.40%
louse + n. >>共 18
comb 13.33%
infestation 13.33%
shampoo 10.00%
treatment 10.00%
egg 6.67%
outbreak 6.67%
bite 3.33%
case 3.33%
control 3.33%
embryo 3.33%
每页显示:    共 4