1.   And libraries in Virginia now are electronically linked to state tax audit offices, which can and do deduct library debts from tax refunds and lottery winnings.

2.   A few nervy investors have found a successful niche buying lottery winnings, inheritances and delinquent subdivision mortgages.

3.   A judge ruled against the woman and awarded all the lottery winnings to the husband.

4.   Financial backers are not usually generous sorts, especially when the borrower factors lottery winnings into the repayment plan.

5.   For example, the proposition that created the California Lottery exempted lottery winnings from state taxes.

6.   Henderson has been involved in various Austin charities and said his lottery winnings will allow him to give more.

7.   His North Palm Beach, Fla., firm is a pioneer in buying lottery winnings from winners who want immediate cash.

8.   Jean Holland has asked a federal judge to let her represent her brother to defend his lottery winnings against a federal forfeiture action.

9.   Lottery winnings can be repackaged as bonds because they are guaranteed by states and paid out in monthly or yearly installments.

10.   Still, it would be risky to wager too much of your lottery winnings on campaign reform or making Congress obey all of the laws.

n. + winning >>共 82
time 14.13%
lottery 13.04%
team 4.89%
year 3.26%
trouble 3.26%
week 3.26%
weekend 3.26%
jackpot 2.17%
prize 2.17%
tournament 2.17%
lottery + n. >>共 278
ticket 16.54%
official 7.14%
pick 6.78%
winner 3.46%
system 2.33%
sale 2.33%
game 2.33%
number 2.19%
money 1.77%
winning 1.70%
每页显示:    共 24