1.   As losses mount and companies go under, the stock market will plummet.

2.   As losses mount, and buyers disappear, inexperienced investors could well panic.

3.   However, it also raised concern that foreign investors will accelerate their withdrawal from the Japanese market as their losses mount.

4.   In turn, will more and more of the regulars break ranks and go back to riding as their financial losses mount and tracks show no sign of bending?

5.   Otherwise, the losses mount, the small crowds dwindle more, the accomplished athletes stay away, the trickle of outside money dries up.

6.   That number will dwindle in the coming weeks as losses mount for also-rans during conference play.

7.   To get out of this trap, card companies are trying to cull the bads from their account rolls before the losses mount.

8.   This year, as the losses mount, internal conflicts remain dormant.

9.   Yet, as the losses mount and the season wilts, there is no clue about what can be done.

n. + mount >>共 87
engine 7.59%
pressure 7.59%
loss 6.21%
tension 5.52%
gun 2.76%
frustration 2.76%
sea 2.76%
ormolu 2.07%
wall 2.07%
camera 1.38%
loss + n. >>共 174
column 11.87%
provision 6.60%
reserve 4.75%
figure 3.69%
estimate 2.90%
rate 2.64%
mount 2.37%
came 2.11%
center 2.11%
drug 1.85%
每页显示:    共 9