1.   Add closed-circuit surveillance cameras, surprise locker searches and conflict resolution programs, and educators say efforts to make schools safer are working.

2.   Districts are increasing the use of metal detectors and locker searches, and students are sometimes disciplineed for even speaking or writing about violence.

3.   The hearing officer refused to comment on the case, as did the vice principal who ordered the locker search at the school.

4.   This year, Elizabeth High began random locker searches.

5.   A Thursday afternoon locker-by-locker search with the help of police dogs at Montclair High School -- requested by school officials -- turned up no weapons.

n. + search >>共 403
job 10.50%
police 9.52%
house 2.94%
computer 2.48%
air 2.28%
weapon 2.15%
helicopter 1.83%
title 1.44%
bag 1.37%
baggage 1.24%
locker 0.33%
locker + n. >>共 40
stall 26.14%
door 9.09%
key 5.68%
search 5.68%
space 5.68%
mate 2.27%
area 2.27%
location 2.27%
inspection 2.27%
neighbor 2.27%
每页显示:    共 5