1.   The soldier lobbed a grenade into the bunker.

2.   Before she is finally arrested, she shoots a number of them, and lobs a grenade into the wings, where it goes off with a loud report.

3.   Almost immediately, scores of helmeted riot policemen stormed into the mosque pavilion, lobbing stun grenades that exploded with a deafening roar and firing at the young Palestinians.

4.   An angry crowd of Serbs gathered and French troops moved in to break up the confrontation, when Albanians suddenly lobbed several grenades into the crowd.

5.   At times he will find Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina and friends blocking his path or lobbing verbal grenades at him.

6.   Democrats insist that Clinton is not plotting to be a shadow president nor to lob partisan grenades at George W. Bush.

7.   Hawkins earned the Silver Star and Purple Heart for saving fellow soldiers when he pushed to the head of his patrol, lobbing grenades and forcing an enemy retreat.

8.   He began lobbing smoke grenades so that they could make their escape.

9.   His detractors say Spong is a dangerous agitator who lobs theological grenades primarily because he craves media attention and not because he is interested in thoughtful discussion.

10.   If CBS were to lob grenades at the Masters, the Masters would fire CBS.

v. + grenade >>共 127
throw 32.43%
hurl 11.48%
fire 10.29%
lob 6.15%
toss 5.08%
find 3.32%
use 2.95%
propel 1.82%
detonate 1.69%
have 1.63%
lob + n. >>共 93
grenade 19.52%
shell 12.95%
ball 12.35%
rock 3.78%
bomb 3.59%
stone 2.99%
rocket 2.99%
firebomb 2.79%
missile 2.59%
canister 2.39%
每页显示:    共 97