1.   Even without this rush of travelers, Price said, pre-boarding families with small children slows down the loading process.

2.   On the good side, liftover is at bumper height to ease the loading process.

3.   The launch pad is cleared of launch team personnel throughout the fuel loading process, and the shuttle crew was hours from boarding the shuttle.

4.   Airmen were exposed to Agent Orange during their spraying flights, in the loading process and while doing maintenance on their aircraft and the spray equipment.

5.   The loading process would start on Saturday, Bulca said.

a. + process >>共 909
political 4.51%
whole 2.48%
electoral 2.23%
democratic 2.19%
decision-making 2.07%
bidding 1.96%
manufacturing 1.92%
legal 1.88%
entire 1.78%
healing 1.55%
loading 0.04%
loading + n. >>共 98
dock 33.00%
platform 3.63%
bay 3.30%
zone 3.30%
ramp 2.97%
area 2.64%
terminal 2.31%
station 1.65%
process 1.65%
time 1.32%
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