1.   - If you choose to reshape the mouth, a bit of concealer over the natural lip line will make the shape look more realistic.

2.   A lip pencil will help prevent the lip color from bleeding outside the lip lines.

3.   Certainly, because of its visibility, red requires a careful application, especially since lipstick tends to bleed or travel over the lip line.

4.   For a fuller look, use it just outside your natural lip line.

5.   First, apply a little foundation over your top and bottom lip lines, then gently pat pressed or loose powder over the foundation.

6.   If you choose to reshape the mouth, a bit of concealer covering the natural lip line will help make the finished shape look more realistic.

7.   If you want to make your lips seem smaller, use the liner just inside the lip line.

8.   Many of these models owe their luscious lip lines to collagen injections.

9.   Now design your lip line with your lip pencil.

10.   To avoid lipstick feathering, apply powder over foundation above your lip line.

n. + line >>共 631
phone 9.33%
telephone 7.50%
power 7.13%
product 4.84%
rail 3.51%
cruise 3.06%
railway 2.03%
transmission 1.80%
cease-fire 1.80%
fault 1.71%
lip 0.08%
lip + n. >>共 76
gloss 15.81%
balm 11.63%
color 7.44%
pencil 6.51%
line 5.58%
liner 4.65%
movement 3.72%
curl 1.86%
product 1.86%
ring 1.86%
每页显示:    共 12