1.   As long as ordinances limiting noise are applied without regard to content, the courts have held, they do not infringe on constitutional rights.

2.   Air space around Newark has been rearranged before, mostly in an effort to limit noise.

3.   Clearly, Mobley is seated next to Barkley for reasons other than simply limiting the noise in the locker room to one corner of the room.

4.   It concluded that snowmobiles should be banned from the park to limit noise, pollution and protect wildlife.

5.   Some Tempe residents, having hammered out an agreement that limits the noise from departing aircraft, would like to get similar restrictions on landings.

6.   The noise code generally limits construction noise to daylight hours, except in emergency situations.

7.   But he indicated that a second dispute with the EU involving the proper approach to limiting airplane noise would have to be dealt with by his successor.

8.   The plane was trying to land on a runway used for night flights under a new agreement to limit flight noise over Germany.

v. + noise >>共 215
make 41.07%
hear 17.78%
reduce 4.55%
cause 1.14%
emit 0.81%
muffle 0.81%
detect 0.73%
have 0.73%
limit 0.65%
keep 0.65%
limit + n. >>共 857
number 4.73%
access 3.00%
amount 2.24%
ability 2.15%
use 2.06%
damage 1.76%
loss 1.72%
power 1.47%
gain 1.29%
activity 1.11%
noise 0.07%
每页显示:    共 8