1.   From its massive limestone facade to its soaring sanctuary, the synagogue of Congregation Emanu-El is a place of superlatives.

2.   Limestone facades can be scrubbed.

3.   The limestone facade and gilded public rooms of the fabled Hotel Esplanade are enshrined within a new apartment block of steel and glass.

4.   The simple limestone facade surrounds three bays of intricately worked copper ornament with delicate top-floor balconies and slim marquees.

5.   While architectural details like bas-relief sculptures and bronze panels have been restored on the limestone facade, a decidedly French air prevails inside.

n. + facade >>共 86
brick 22.29%
granite 4.22%
stucco 4.22%
limestone 3.01%
masonry 3.01%
upper-deck 3.01%
rear 1.81%
sandstone 1.81%
store 1.81%
terra-cotta 1.81%
limestone + n. >>共 151
cliff 6.88%
wall 6.02%
block 4.58%
building 3.72%
quarry 3.44%
cave 3.15%
formation 3.15%
hill 2.87%
rock 2.58%
floor 2.29%
facade 1.43%
每页显示:    共 5