1.   All performances are free, with attendees encouraged to bring lawn chairs or blankets.

2.   Bring a lawn chair or beach chair for comfortable seating, and leave the alcoholic beverages at home.

3.   Food and beverages will be available, and lawn chairs or a blanket are recommended for comfortable viewing.

4.   In the patio, all four of us are draped over lawn chairs reading.

5.   Many of them had been camped here since early evening with their picnic hampers and lawn chairs.

6.   Rob said, rocking back in his philosophic lawn chair.

7.   Seating is free for those wishing to bring their own blankets or lawn chairs.

8.   I need to replace the webbing on the lawn chair.

9.   Although some of the elderly will bring lawn chairs, most will stand.

10.   Although most watchers sat in the traditional lawn chairs and on blankets curbside, some found creative perches from which to view the parade.

n. + chair >>共 273
lawn 13.92%
leather 7.70%
lounge 5.90%
committee 3.60%
kitchen 3.36%
beach 3.36%
office 3.28%
wicker 3.03%
desk 2.87%
witness 2.13%
lawn + n. >>共 148
chair 30.58%
furniture 5.76%
care 4.68%
sprinkler 4.50%
ornament 3.24%
equipment 2.16%
company 1.80%
sign 1.80%
bowl 1.80%
flamingo 1.62%
每页显示:    共 169