1.   Language, invented sometime in the last few million years, involves some really fancy abilities for categorizing sounds.

2.   We have, over the years, employed several students, but over the last few, have been unable to do so, for financial constraints.

3.   His last few, last, what, twenty years, was it?

4.   And in the last few weeks there has been an onslaught of publicity over a method of execution that many people believed no longer existed.

5.   And the last few writing books and working as a consultant.

6.   And the days ahead may be even more interesting that the last few.

7.   And the last few, I planned them.

8.   As a result, the researchers who have been searching for evidence of real cosmic impacts during the last few thousand years face a daunting task.

9.   As gauged by a University of Michigan index, customer-service satisfaction has dropped steadily the last few years.

10.   After all that we have seen and heard in the last few weeks, that would be a tragedy.

a. + few >>共 232
very 29.47%
lucky 7.07%
select 5.40%
precious 5.40%
last 3.97%
privileged 3.81%
next 3.34%
far 3.26%
past 2.70%
chosen 2.46%
last + n. >>共 522
season 13.70%
year 7.78%
summer 7.20%
fall 5.24%
time 4.81%
weekend 4.53%
week 4.10%
day 3.19%
spring 3.07%
month 2.95%
few 0.06%
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