1.   Mortgage securities rose less than Treasuries and may continue to lag amid concern that further declines in rates will prompt sales by investors.

2.   These securities lagged amid concern the recent drop in yields will cause more homeowners to refinance mortgages at lower rates.

3.   But sales lagged amid a prolonged economic slowdown, creating a serious cash crunch.

4.   Sales have also lagged amid weakening demand, with some local governments assessing high taxes on autos manufactured outside the province.

v. + amid >>共 641
decline 4.39%
change 4.36%
gain 4.23%
resign 4.04%
mix 3.04%
rally 2.28%
trading 2.21%
collapse 1.89%
stand 1.79%
occur 1.70%
lag 0.13%
lag + p. >>共 37
behind 71.58%
in 18.61%
because_of 1.50%
for 1.19%
on 1.19%
as 1.11%
at 0.55%
by 0.40%
amid 0.32%
among 0.32%
每页显示:    共 4