1.   According to Nintendo, the Pokemon animated cartoon series is the top syndicated kids show in all major U.S. markets.

2.   Hey, kid shows can be good.

3.   How can Bill Cosby do his show and that talking kids show?

4.   It sounds like a teen kids show.

5.   Lyle Harris examined kid shows on all the major networks and also talked to the network big wigs.

6.   So I went in and told the ad manager about my kid show.

7.   The host of the kids show I watched toasted him with milk.

8.   The weekday schedule will feature two new kids shows.

n. + show >>共 541
television 9.42%
radio 5.84%
trade 4.63%
fashion 3.98%
gun 3.91%
record 3.14%
news 2.64%
air 2.23%
poll 2.17%
award 2.16%
kid 0.07%
kid + n. >>共 274
brother 7.17%
sister 5.22%
home 2.61%
movie 1.74%
play 1.74%
show 1.74%
actor 1.30%
right 1.30%
talk 1.30%
get 1.09%
每页显示:    共 8