1.   A key aspect of this part of the mix is the life-cycle of the product.

2.   Another key aspect of the new courses has been the building in of planned linkages to degree provision.

3.   In this context, let us remind ourselves of the key aspects of their position.

4.   The indifference to occupational type is a key aspect of this definition.

5.   There have been changes in five key aspects of education.

6.   This is a key aspect of the refugee question which has so far received inadequate attention.

7.   But the process could also go into reverse if key aspects of the environment such as relative regulatory burdens deteriorate.

8.   Two other key aspects in a Total Quality Management system are transparency and involvement.

9.   Among the highlights, where all of these marvelous elements come together, are fanciful ballets that interpret key aspects of Argentine history.

10.   And it appeared they were still arguing privately over key aspects less than a week before they are scheduled to begin pushing the measure to passage.

a. + aspect >>共 970
important 5.04%
different 4.24%
positive 3.41%
technical 3.36%
civilian 2.73%
military 2.13%
key 1.79%
financial 1.68%
interesting 1.57%
political 1.45%
key + n. >>共 831
player 4.92%
issue 4.43%
role 4.39%
element 1.96%
figure 1.83%
factor 1.81%
part 1.65%
point 1.58%
member 1.51%
question 1.48%
aspect 0.23%
每页显示:    共 63