1.   Her fingers clutched at the light material of his jacket sleeve as though imploring him to listen.

2.   If I roll my jacket sleeves, they will roll theirs.

3.   The next time Mould appeared the other jacket sleeve was ripped off and a leg of his trousers.

4.   She pulled away from him, shrugging her arms into the jacket sleeves.

5.   Figueroa was on a catwalk when his jacket sleeve was caught in a pulley of a machine that was supposed to have been turned off.

6.   Innovations included a coat studded with cloth-covered buttons or extra-long jacket sleeves that were scrunched up to fit.

7.   They already had the Stars and Stripes sewn onto their jacket sleeves.

8.   Islamic militants used codes sewn into the lining of a jacket sleeve to pass messages from Syria to the Gaza Strip, an Israeli newspaper reported Monday.

9.   Sporting swastika patches on their jacket sleeves in violation of the law, members of the so-called Hungarian National Battle Front listened to speeches and sang the national anthem.

10.   They wore swastika patches on their black jacket sleeves, in violation of the law.

n. + sleeve >>共 70
shirt 38.54%
jacket 5.21%
coat 4.17%
cap 2.60%
kimono 2.60%
bell 2.60%
steel 2.60%
leather 2.08%
knee 2.08%
length 1.56%
jacket + n. >>共 75
pocket 36.36%
potato 6.06%
sleeve 5.05%
dress 2.53%
copy 2.02%
cover 2.02%
hood 2.02%
lapel 2.02%
shape 2.02%
collar 1.52%
每页显示:    共 10