1.   However, the Commission has recently issued a notice which goes some way towards defining the elements of them.

2.   I carefully considered the information before me before Deciding to issue the notice.

3.   Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents.

4.   The purchaser should ensure that it is not restricted from issuing notices of assignment by any of the announcement or confidentiality restrictions in the sale and purchase agreement.

5.   Where there is a counterclaim, third party notices may be issued by the plaintiff.

6.   A computerized loans system such as LIBRAFILE is beneficial to the school librarian, particularly in the time saved in issuing reminder notices.

7.   He says that an enforcement notice has been issued, if the firm fails to carry out the work the County Council will do it and then bill them.

v. + notice >>共 167
take 29.93%
give 9.49%
serve 9.27%
receive 8.79%
send 4.24%
file 3.43%
post 3.35%
issue 3.24%
escape 3.20%
get 2.83%
issue + n. >>共 431
statement 19.35%
warning 6.71%
warrant 5.09%
order 4.55%
report 4.26%
ruling 2.79%
bond 2.29%
decree 1.79%
permit 1.62%
subpoena 1.60%
notice 0.51%
每页显示:    共 87