1.   They found invasive cancer during a routine examination.

2.   Subjects were excluded from the study if they suffered from any debilitating or life threatening disease, including invasive cancer.

3.   And a small percentage have invasive cancer.

4.   But in that time, an invasive cancer could develop.

5.   Invasive cervical cancers are not being detected in Africa and other areas where such health care is not available.

6.   Invasive cancers have spread from the epidermis into the dermis below.

7.   It is this possibility that most worries doctors, because about half of DCIS recurrences breach the duct walls to become invasive cancer.

8.   The expanded definition includes those diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia or invasive cervical cancer.

9.   The lower-cost approach is to do less screening and spend scarce health dollars treating only those women who develop invasive cancers.

a. + cancer >>共 561
prostate 31.20%
ovarian 6.60%
cervical 4.96%
liver 4.58%
pancreatic 4.32%
testicular 3.69%
colorectal 3.10%
terminal 1.86%
new 1.46%
uterine 1.42%
invasive 0.28%
invasive + n. >>共 93
procedure 19.25%
surgery 12.73%
species 7.76%
cancer 4.35%
plant 4.35%
heart 3.73%
technique 3.11%
test 2.17%
treatment 1.55%
infection 1.55%
每页显示:    共 14