1.   And so they will sit on the shelf along with the installation disks for musty old inventions like Wordstar and Visicalc.

2.   But make sure you get all the original installation disks.

3.   Feed a few installation disks to your floppy drive when prompted, and the card is automatically configured.

4.   If not, the manufacturer will have provided an installation disk.

5.   Sometimes programs on an installation disk have a letter clipped off, and it might be something like wumpus.dl.

6.   The e-mail package used with AOL and other commercial service providers is integrated into the software on the installation disk.

7.   This cleanup usually takes place in my office, where I keep all the installation disks of all my programs.

8.   Use the Browse button to click to the installation disk and look for a program called Setup.exe.

9.   You can load it off your Windows installation disks or CD.

10.   Your peripherals probably came with some sort of installation disks.

n. + disk >>共 121
computer 44.16%
software 3.38%
installation 2.86%
start-up 2.60%
storage 2.08%
datum 1.30%
boot 1.30%
steel 1.30%
expansion 1.04%
rubber 1.04%
installation + n. >>共 102
art 9.47%
process 6.41%
cost 6.41%
artist 5.29%
program 5.29%
work 4.46%
instruction 4.46%
piece 3.34%
ceremony 3.06%
disk 3.06%
每页显示:    共 11