1.   All cases are presented and discussed at the weekly team meeting, after which an initial diagnosis is made.

2.   Waiting for the results of tests, like waiting for an initial diagnosis, can be stressful and worrying.

3.   His doctor made an initial diagnosis of pneumonia.

4.   The formation of a pelvic ileal reservoir results in pathological changes in the ileal mucosa in most patients regardless of the initial diagnosis.

5.   Plain radiography, with its superior spatial resolution, remains a key investigation in the initial diagnosis of a primary bone tumour.

6.   After initial diagnosis, MRI is the ideal method of demonstrating the extent of bone marrow involvement and the presence and extent of an associated soft tissue mass.

7.   An initial diagnosis of duodenal ulcer and the method of diagnosis being a radiographic examination seems to increase the risk of becoming a longterm user of ulcer drugs.

8.   One year after the initial diagnosis of PHT, the patient shows no evidence of portal hypertension.

a. + diagnosis >>共 216
early 10.61%
initial 6.52%
accurate 5.52%
correct 4.53%
final 3.65%
medical 3.09%
proper 2.76%
preliminary 2.54%
earlier 2.21%
positive 2.10%
initial + n. >>共 921
report 7.36%
reaction 2.37%
investigation 2.07%
offering 2.00%
result 1.90%
test 1.73%
stage 1.39%
investment 1.10%
response 1.03%
claim 0.99%
diagnosis 0.51%
每页显示:    共 59