1.   Informed consent was sought from parents, who were given an information sheet.

2.   Stories are great for all types of documents, from information sheets to faxed memos.

3.   They have a very comprehensive information sheet giving details of qualifications and training courses relevant to a career in outdoor pursuits.

4.   The students may measure the cans or refer to the information sheet for dimensions.

5.   Further details can be found in our departmental information sheets available from Professor Stuart Pawley.

6.   In addition, the patients in the diet group were given dietary advice, printed information sheets, and suggested recipes for high fibre, low refined carbohydrate meals.

7.   Before starting treatment patients were talked to and were given an information sheet on the basic concepts of the pathophysiology of H pylori infection.

8.   The departmental information sheets indicate the approximate location of the Departments.

9.   As the hours closed in on the Bush inaugural, the pardon office staff were rapidly typing an information sheet for each clemency recipient, government officials said.

10.   Black and company then fax information sheets to television and film companies looking for props.

n. + sheet >>共 324
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information + n. >>共 678
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