1.   But, the Fed chairman reassured Congress that he would act immediately if signs of inflation flare.

2.   Last week the Federal Reserve bumped up interest rates but signaled that additional increases may not be needed unless the economy shows signs of overheating or if inflation flares.

3.   The Fed hinted that additional rate increases this year may not be needed unless the economy shows signs of overheating or if inflation flares.

n. + flare >>共 66
parachute 10.95%
distress 9.49%
signal 7.30%
illumination 6.57%
gas 5.11%
inflation 2.92%
magnesium 2.92%
night 2.19%
wheel 2.19%
colitis 1.46%
inflation + n. >>共 234
rate 28.36%
figure 7.18%
report 5.70%
pressure 4.74%
fear 3.89%
concern 3.50%
datum 3.41%
target 2.99%
outlook 2.87%
threat 2.05%
flare 0.12%
每页显示:    共 4