1.   And his staff, plagued by infighting, proved inept at basic campaign logistics, such as arranging events for the best television exposure.

2.   Previously, the series was plagued by infighting over rules that seemed to change faster than the ink could dry on the new rulebook.

3.   The displaced mujahedeen alliance, now fractured and plagued by infighting, still controls an area in the north of the country.

4.   Pakistan has also been plagued by infighting between domestic political factions, and periodic violence between Sunni and Shiite Muslim groups.

5.   Infighting has plagued the federalist side for several days as its leaders argue over whether to make a last-minute offer to Quebec of constitutional reform.

6.   New Democracy has been plagued by infighting since September when it suffered a stinging election defeat from rival Socialists.

7.   The enclave, plagued by infighting among different Kurdish groups, is policed by U.S.-led allied air forces.

8.   The party founded by Ross Perot has been plagued by infighting in recent months.

9.   The Tulkarem branch of Hamas has been plagued by infighting for several months.

10.   Two socialist governments were plagued by infighting and collapsed before their terms expired.

n. + plague >>共 296
injury 10.69%
problem 9.78%
violence 3.63%
delay 2.42%
scandal 2.22%
corruption 2.02%
weather 1.71%
allegation 1.51%
crime 1.31%
kidnapping 1.21%
infighting 1.01%
infighting + v. >>共 76
be 14.11%
plague 6.13%
cause 3.68%
wrack 3.68%
continue 3.07%
beset 3.07%
paralyze 3.07%
stall 2.45%
weaken 2.45%
delay 1.84%
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