1.   European Union officials have ascribed the spread of the disease in Switzerland to infected feed from Britain and have shown less alarm than the Swiss themselves.

2.   The panic was driven by fears that anyone might develop the deadly illness from eating infected beef, just as cattle got sick from the infected feed.

3.   European Union investigators have blamed the Swiss cases on infected feed imported from Britain.

4.   EU investigators have blamed the Swiss cases on infected feed imported from Britain.

5.   European Union investigators have blamed the Swiss mad cow cases on infected feed imported from Britain.

6.   Investigators suspect that the cow contracted the disease by eating infected animal feed.

7.   Mad cow disease is believed to have spread through infected animal feed.

8.   In return, Europe will lift the embargo in stages, initially on meat from herds certified as having no history of BSE and no exposure to infected feed.

9.   Laboratory tests have already established that BSE can be passed to sheep when the animals are injected with infected brain material from cattle or if they eat infected feed.

a. + feed >>共 176
animal 45.60%
live 6.63%
video 5.49%
contaminated 3.31%
audio 2.29%
imported 1.60%
eating 1.26%
belgian 1.14%
animal-based 1.03%
infected 1.03%
infected + n. >>共 329
animal 9.68%
people 7.48%
person 4.89%
bird 3.42%
cell 2.89%
cow 2.84%
mosquito 2.64%
area 2.64%
woman 2.59%
meat 2.54%
feed 0.44%
每页显示:    共 9