1.   Any industrial byproducts or waste can be used for this purpose.

2.   Arsenic occurs naturally in soil, rocks, water, plants and animals and also is an industrial byproduct.

3.   Concentrations of nitrogen, an industrial byproduct, began to rise and initially promoted tree growth.

4.   Decisions about two other families of chemicals, industrial byproducts known as dioxins and furans, are still being weighed.

5.   Entrepreneurs filled some canals and dumped industrial byproducts in others on a massive scale.

6.   This includes emissions such as benzene, ammonia and other industrial byproducts.

7.   Turner argued that fluoride is a dangerous industrial byproduct that can cause cancer.

8.   Arsenic is both a naturally occurring substance and industrial byproduct, entering the water supply from natural deposits and pollution.

9.   Arsenic is both a naturally occurring substance and industrial byproduct.

10.   If nothing else, the Blue Lagoon proves that with a little creative marketing, industrial byproducts can be chic.

a. + byproduct >>共 122
natural 7.95%
only 5.30%
toxic 5.30%
animal 4.92%
inevitable 4.17%
industrial 3.79%
radioactive 3.03%
unfortunate 3.03%
unwanted 3.03%
positive 2.27%
industrial + n. >>共 542
production 9.24%
average 3.72%
nation 3.40%
output 2.72%
country 2.41%
company 2.27%
area 2.04%
city 2.01%
sector 1.97%
zone 1.90%
byproduct 0.09%
每页显示:    共 10