1.   Andy Narell, the first individual foreigner to participate in Panorama, played with and arranged and composed for steel bands called Renegades and Exodus.

2.   -- Daily pressure at U.S. border checkpoints that swamps federal agents and leaves little time to examine individual foreigners.

3.   Another change, which lawmakers considered but rejected on Wednesday, would have permitted the United States to invoke a powerful anti-espionage law even in cases against individual foreigners.

4.   Li also was quoted as saying the regulations would be reviewed within a year and that individual foreigners might be offered visa-free tours as well.

5.   Foreign businesses are prohibited from helping to bankroll US election campaigns, but individual foreigners residing in the United States can contribute to party funds.

6.   Foreign investment has been minimal since the Kenyan government allowed individual foreigners and companies to bid for shares on the NSE at the start of the year.

7.   Individual foreigners can hold as much as six percent of a listed firm, up from the current five percent, the ministry said.

8.   Individual foreigners are not allowed to own land in Cambodia, but they may share ownership in a business setup with Cambodian citizens.

9.   Individual foreigners will be allowed to hold as much as six percent of a listed firm, up from the current five percent, it said.

10.   Individual foreigners would be allowed to hold as much as six percent of a listed firm, up from the current five percent, it said.

a. + foreigner >>共 344
the 6.92%
first 6.34%
only 3.52%
second 1.64%
kidnapped 1.64%
resident 1.64%
wealthy 1.53%
individual 1.53%
third 1.41%
remaining 1.41%
individual + n. >>共 1275
investor 6.09%
country 1.83%
stock 1.71%
case 1.56%
right 1.53%
member 1.45%
company 1.36%
retirement 1.35%
state 1.11%
event 0.99%
foreigner 0.08%
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