1.   The increasing time pressure due to reduced utilization and productivity will itself increase demands on both site and off-site management.

2.   Although analysts said rising refinery production of gasoline could help offset an increase demand, analysts said.

3.   Economic instability could, in the end, increase demand for gold, especially in Asia where markets are less firmly established and gold is more deeply rooted.

4.   Feeder cattle futures rose to their highest price in more than two years as steady profits from fattening animals for slaughter increase demand for young animals.

5.   In CHICAGO, feeder cattle futures rose to their highest price in more than two years as steady profits from fattening animals for slaughter increase demand for young animals.

6.   Japanese exporters converting overseas revenues into yen increases demand for the Japanese currency, boosting its value.

7.   Japanese exporters converting overseas earnings into yen increases demand for the Japanese currency and drives up its value.

8.   Oil and gas shares should continue to rise as cold weather increases demand for the commodities, investment adviser Katzin said.

9.   Political reformers argue that whatever the outcome, the charges should increase demands for change.

10.   Recycling is becoming a big business as an economic recovery increases demand for raw materials.

n. + demand >>共 747
consumer 16.65%
export 5.28%
world 3.79%
opposition 3.58%
ransom 3.41%
investor 3.23%
rebel 3.00%
market 2.80%
customer 2.23%
oil 1.76%
increase 0.45%
increase + n. >>共 267
demand 3.92%
production 2.67%
sale 2.67%
productivity 2.51%
efficiency 2.35%
heat 2.20%
revenue 2.04%
price 1.88%
pressure 1.57%
cooperation 1.57%
每页显示:    共 25