1.   Its brief is longer term and written to include missionary work, promotion and oversight of independent interoperability testing and branding.

2.   Begala and Blumenthal, both of whom are expected to include speech writing in their duties, could help set a tone.

3.   Certainly, it would never deign to include something written by a publisher, let alone a news-slanting, Republican-moneybags one.

4.   Mrs. Snow revisited China afterward, and her considerable literary output included books written under the pseudonym Nym Wales.

5.   Recent articles include a piece written by author George Will, which appears in Newsweek.

6.   A RARE collection of Chinese books, including some written during the Qing dynasty, has been donated to the City Hall Library by a private collector.

7.   In April, Tokyo approved eight middle-school textbooks, including one written by nationalist scholars who deny Japan committed documented atrocities before and during World War II.

8.   The bill, which includes braille writing for the blind, also has watermarks depicting the ancient Greek warrior Kings Phillip and Alexander of Macedon.

9.   More posters, including some written in English, will go up later Tuesday, he said.

10.   More posters, including some written in English, will go up later Tuesday, Sinisa added.

v. + write >>共 144
use 8.80%
be 5.63%
include 3.52%
sit_down 3.17%
start_out 3.17%
teach 2.82%
say 2.46%
will 1.76%
do 1.41%
have 1.41%
include + v. >>共 264
make 3.22%
involve 2.41%
write 2.01%
hold 1.81%
call 1.61%
base 1.41%
relate 1.41%
use 1.41%
own 1.21%
wear 1.21%
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