1.   Most of all, Mr Winchester writes in a way guaranteed to lure the reader on to the most improbable journeys.

2.   American Lance Armstrong Sunday triumphantly completed an improbable journey.

3.   After an improbable journey of her own, Elaine Shocas is about to become the chief of staff to the first female secretary of state.

4.   Every step of the way during the improbable journey, Lee endured constant comparison to Knight, to whom Lee was an understudy for two years.

5.   He recounted the improbable journey in his inimitable blend of raconteur and philosopher during a phone interview last week from his New York City law office.

6.   He scrambled wildly for one first down, handed to Means for another and then set off on an improbable journey.

7.   It has been an improbable journey to the White House for Cheney.

8.   Nor could they foretell the series of roadblocks on an improbable journey through football to college.

9.   Saturday, that improbable journey came full circle.

10.   Thus did Denver complete an altogether improbable journey.

a. + journey >>共 596
long 9.96%
return 3.49%
spiritual 3.21%
arduous 2.19%
perilous 1.52%
final 1.46%
sentimental 1.41%
personal 1.41%
short 1.29%
first 1.18%
improbable 0.68%
improbable + n. >>共 281
victory 5.08%
comeback 4.30%
run 2.54%
journey 2.34%
story 1.76%
dream 1.56%
alliance 1.56%
playoff 1.56%
event 1.37%
success 1.37%
每页显示:    共 12