1.   It is especially prized because carbon, its major component, is by far the most important of all plant nutrients.

2.   Most important of all, the process does not involve the high temperatures of a conventional foundry.

3.   Most important of these is the existence of strong ties of family and friendship.

4.   The largest and most important of these is the prostate gland.

5.   The most important of these are on huge pots, designed not for use but to stand on graves.

6.   Within this self are various drives and motivations, the most important of which serve to maintain and enhance this image.

7.   The speech, many historians concluded, was the most important of his career.

8.   The most important of these is that it will almost certainly not equal the actual return from holding the bond even if the bond is held to maturity.

a. + of >>共 657
a_couple 13.50%
unaware 6.20%
south 4.45%
a_few 3.72%
general 2.38%
skeptical 2.33%
true 2.30%
southwest 2.14%
supportive 2.08%
southeast 1.86%
important 0.44%
important + p. >>共 64
to 34.38%
than 18.93%
for 15.80%
in 12.21%
as 10.98%
of 2.00%
because_of 0.71%
at 0.68%
on 0.55%
about 0.40%
每页显示:    共 155