1.   Fine sweaters are produced in imaginative designs by local women.

2.   IMAGINATIVE design and meticulous production methods count for nothing if the floor layer gets it wrong.

3.   Imaginative level design, original characters and addictive gameplay are pure Nintendo.

4.   Some people welcome the playful bovines, with their imaginative designs by local artists.

5.   The most imaginative designs envision underwater mother ships that launch SEAL teams, much as aircraft carriers launch jet fighters.

6.   The result is a marvel of imaginative design and acoustic enrichment.

7.   This act is a triumph of imaginative design, in which night and day are realized, the terror and ecstasy of love illuminated.

8.   Unfortunately, most wicker pieces made today do not display the imaginative designs and durable construction that were the hallmark of the Heywood Bros. and Wakefield products.

a. + design >>共 1313
new 7.18%
graphic 2.54%
original 2.12%
good 1.44%
industrial 1.42%
computer-aided 1.36%
modern 1.26%
basic 1.12%
different 1.12%
final 1.10%
imaginative 0.16%
imaginative + n. >>共 310
way 3.90%
play 1.85%
leap 1.64%
design 1.64%
power 1.64%
use 1.64%
tactics 1.23%
creation 1.03%
story 1.03%
plan 0.82%
每页显示:    共 8