1.   But those images are becoming harder and harder to stomach in a world hit by recession.

2.   The reproducible symbolic visual image became a mode of defining a social area of credit or of power.

3.   And in coming to terms with the negative, the so-called negative, all those images become part of my dialectical way of thinking about myself.

4.   Bright images have become an accepted advantage of the existing system and the new design increases the brightness even further.

5.   Although video images have become a part of everyday life, from theme restaurants to virtual biking, Jantzen advocates going one step further.

6.   An ordinary image becomes something else.

7.   And as historical images have become a valuable commodity, the business of supplying them has become increasingly sophisticated.

8.   At any rate, the Olympics only reflect the state of the world in general, where images are becoming the biggest assets.

9.   Before almost everyone, Poon recognized that image had become everything in Hong Kong.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
life 0.60%
country 0.58%
child 0.56%
image 0.12%
image + v. >>共 517
be 38.62%
show 5.62%
have 2.42%
appear 2.18%
come 1.94%
become 1.53%
seem 1.16%
change 1.02%
look 0.95%
remain 0.92%
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