1.   Neighbors said the house belongs to a middle-aged couple with an adult daughter.

2.   The house belonged to the Duke of Wellington, and his picture hangs in the hall.

3.   The house had belonged to a farmer whose family had been hit by tragedy.

4.   The house now belongs to a buxom blonde from Lyon, wife of a driving instructor.

5.   Who does that house belong to now?

6.   The house had belonged to her family for three or four generations.

7.   Among buildings damaged were the house belonging to the mayor of Managua, Arnoldo Alemn, and the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party.

8.   The house already belonged to the police, a fact which was reinforced when a second car arrived.

9.   I would be grateful if you would tell her that this house also belongs to me.

10.   The house belonged to my Great-Aunt Alicia.

n. + belong >>共 1141
plane 2.21%
land 1.92%
day 1.85%
man 1.56%
night 1.45%
house 1.19%
job 1.08%
family 1.05%
money 1.05%
car 1.00%
house + v. >>共 740
be 34.17%
have 9.20%
collapse 2.06%
say 1.69%
stand 1.52%
look 1.45%
go 1.36%
burn 1.26%
pass 1.24%
seem 1.14%
belong 0.77%
每页显示:    共 45