1.   An audiovisual feed allowed Bill King to see and hear what occurred in the courtroom while he sat in the holding room.

2.   And let them know how long the hotels are holding rooms.

3.   Back in the holding room, Taylor gabs about the concerns of an extra.

4.   Back in the holding room, I finish a cherry danish and the newspaper.

5.   A staffer comes to the holding room and calls out names, mine among them.

6.   Afterward, I tracked the family to a holding room at the hotel.

7.   Come on, that stuff about them dancing with no music in the holding room, looking like they were madly in love?

8.   Gore returned to a holding room.

9.   Having watched enough filming, I return to the holding room and veg out.

10.   He steps into a holding room and watches the draft on television like the rest of the world.

a. + room >>共 1271
small 4.32%
meeting 3.33%
same 3.33%
private 2.79%
next 2.32%
hearing 1.99%
large 1.96%
separate 1.76%
single 1.65%
training 1.64%
holding 0.31%
holding + n. >>共 252
cell 11.32%
penalty 5.91%
area 5.41%
pen 3.91%
period 3.01%
election 3.01%
tank 2.71%
room 2.61%
call 2.30%
talk 2.20%
每页显示:    共 26