1.   Rick Helling, another struggling starter, allowed five hits, and Tim Crabtree and John Wetteland finished up with an inning each of hitless relief.

2.   Pedro Borbon and Alan Mills finished with hitless relief.

3.   Aaron Fultz finished with hitless relief for his first major league in three chances.

4.   Ben Sheets allowed all three hits, pitching four innings, and Kane Davis, Curtis Leskanic and Valerio De Los Santos finished with hitless relief.

5.   Derek Lowe and Tom Gordon finished with hitless relief.

6.   Darren Hall and Todd Worrell finished with hitless relief.

7.   Dennis Cook pitched three innings of hitless relief for his second save.

8.   Gregg Olson pitched hitless relief for two innings to complete the shutout.

9.   He came out of the bullpen and pitched six innings of hitless relief, striking out eight.

10.   He allowed two runs and five hits in six innings, and Donne Wall and Brian Boehringer finished with hitless relief.

a. + relief >>共 705
international 10.10%
humanitarian 4.65%
emergency 4.29%
great 2.45%
welcome 2.34%
private 2.28%
temporary 2.28%
immediate 2.03%
middle 1.92%
financial 1.30%
hitless 0.68%
hitless + n. >>共 23
inning 52.86%
ninth 12.86%
relief 11.43%
at-bat 3.81%
ball 2.86%
streak 2.86%
eighth 1.90%
game 1.43%
time 1.43%
day 0.95%
每页显示:    共 24