1.   The cameras will be operated by the highways department of Essex County Council and Essex police.

2.   A day-long private meeting took place at County Hall in Northallerton on Tuesday involving the North Yorkshire planning and highways departments, British Rail and British Steel.

3.   The highways department has also ruled out police-style speed detector guns because of inaccuracy.

4.   Now Wrexham Maelor Coun Harold Taylor says Clwyd county highways department must repair the bridge before someone falls into the river and is swept away.

5.   Before his Mansfield work, Lord was a civil engineer working for the highway department.

6.   Bean said that highway departments, motivated by fear of liability, widen roads far more than necessary.

7.   A university research group that regularly compares transportation systems nationwide has ranked the Massachusetts and New Jersey highway departments as the least efficient in the nation.

8.   Brock married and went to work for the highway department.

9.   But a neighbor, Peter Rutter, who works for the highway department in nearby Smithtown, N.Y., said Sylvester was no stranger to trouble.

n. + department >>共 851
police 19.41%
health 7.77%
government 6.26%
city 1.59%
justice 1.38%
finance 1.20%
research 1.16%
service 1.15%
education 1.02%
personnel 1.01%
highway 0.74%
highway + n. >>共 406
project 5.21%
construction 4.04%
bill 3.51%
system 3.02%
official 2.92%
bridge 2.53%
speed 2.34%
department 2.29%
accident 2.24%
fund 2.00%
每页显示:    共 47